Wednesday, February 20

nightmare, comedy-style

i had a nightmare the other night. the most vivid image i remembered was something like the photo on the right, a bit macro nga lang. and yeah, the nightmare i had was one of those action-packed stills with a touch of history.i dreamt i was in Nazi country, 1940s-style and was holed up in a secret place ala-anne sister was at another building and we were using 3g to talk to each other. (yan ang inconsistencies ng nightmares!3g in the 1940s?owkamon meyn.)

anyhoo.we were able to plan our escape and got through it.i remember we were going down a steep incline and the feeling was like i was riding EK's jungle log jam. hehehe. we were running for our lives when suddenly --- bam!the shrill sound of my l7's alarm woke me up.i was groggy, was still in a daze and to keep myself awake i checked out my sms inbox. i answered some morning greetings with accounts of my nightmare. 3 friends texted back but this one's my favorite:

"huh?holocaust n hitlr?nde q nbltaan yn ah?cgro nsa barko ako nun.wat month ngyari yan?"

taena nagising ako dun a.rache woke up with my wahahaha!harharhar!and bwahahaha!

2 shout-outs:

Shiela Garcia said...

talk about weird dreams.. and even weirder response.. hehehehe :)

Anonymous said...

Great work.