Monday, April 5

book sale haul

every time i go home in manaoag, i always swing by CB Mall in Urdaneta City to buy yum yum cheese pesto pandesal from Pan de Manila. their store is just across National Bookstore so when i was on my way home for the lenten holiday, i had enough time to check some books.there were two tables that greeted customers as they entered the store, stacked with several books for i neared it, i noticed several familiar books just by looking at the covers.picked up The Kite Runner and was so surprised to see it was on sale for P50. when i lined up at the counter my shopping cart was full of books that the girl at the counter was like, "wow!" so here's a look at my haul:

some of the books did not have the regular price on them, so i just googled their prices.was so surprised when my calculations showed me i had actually saved more or less P8400 for 15 books.ang saya! =)

so far i've finished reading dave pelzer's story in A Child Called "It." was so heartbreaking reading about his abusive childhood, but also heartwarming as he chronicles his way to healing. an excerpt from the publisher:
"He had to learn how to play his mother's games in order to survive because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave; and no longer a boy, but an "it."
currently i am reading The Healing Cut, a collection of essays written by surgeons at the is a very insightful book.i especially loved the chapter on "Healing the Healer," or something like that, where several surgeons talk about their realizations when they themselves were the patients.the central thought was that, before they were sick, some of them regarded their patients as just numbers and wrote in their charts without actually taking into consideration how their patients felt.some also realized that prior to getting sick, they were so caught up with the pressures at work, that sometimes they took their families for granted.but as they battled for their illnesses, they were faced with their own mortality and rebuilt their relationships with their families and to God.they lived to tell their stories and have since then carried on a more humane medical practice.

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